
Mr.Mahammed Ali Mondal



Mr.Wasim Akram Mondal



Mr.Surajit Chakraborty

Member of the Committee


Mr.Mintu Chatterjee

Member of the Committee

Guiding Excellence: Our Management Committee

The Committee plays an important role in the organisation as both leaders and decision-makers. Management committee members have ultimate responsibility for directing the activity of the organisation, ensuring it is well run and delivering the outcomes for which it has been set up.

The Management Committee of the institute evaluates the progress of the institute on a regular basis and provides guidance & directives for constant improvement in ensuring higher standards of education and also does supports its vision, purpose and aims in the institution.

Guiding Excellence: Our Management Committee

The Committee plays an important role in the organisation as both leaders and decision-makers. Management committee members have ultimate responsibility for directing the activity of the organisation, ensuring it is well run and delivering the outcomes for which it has been set up.

The Management Committee of the institute evaluates the progress of the institute on a regular basis and provides guidance & directives for constant improvement in ensuring higher standards of education and also does supports its vision, purpose and aims in the institution.