
Years of Experience


  • To become front runner in pharmacy education by nurturing competent pharmaceutical professionals for the benefit of society and health care industries.


  • • To achieve a stellar role in pharmacy education through student- centric methodology with sound infrastructure and technologies.
  • •To inculcate in-depth domain knowledge, professionalism and technical skills to enrich their employability prospective.
  • •To shape the students with core ethical and moral values with sensitivity towards society as a whole.
  • •To build the academic environment with competent and efficient faculty members.
  • •To provide affordable quality technical education.
  • •To nurture students to meet future challenges in the field of Academia and Industry.
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Quality Policy

  • • The DmbH Institute of Medical Science is committed to empower our students to meet global challenges in Pharmacy profession through excellence in education.
  • • Our highly qualified and committed faculty is constantly exploring newer frontiers of knowledge with intention to build quality pharmacist
  • • We believe in honing the overall persona of our students through excellence in academic, co-curricular and extracurricular activities. We strive to develop a sense of social obligation and discipline among our students not only to make a better technocrat but also a better human being.