DmbH Institute of Medical Science provides state-of-art laboratory facilities for enhancing conducive teaching – learning and research culture. The institution makes available sufficient infrastructure, equipments, computing facility as per requirements of various apex bodies like PCI, MAKAUT, WBSCT&VE&SD to enhance the practical skills of the students and always upgrade it as necessary.
Total 12 laboratories with adjacent preparation rooms are available in three floors in the institution. In addition, Central Instrumentation room, Machine room and Aseptic room are also furnished with well equipped sophisticated instruments and pilot scale machinery generally available in pharmaceutical industries. All amenities / utilities such as gas supplies (compressed LPG, water) are provided maintaining all safety norms and 24×7 power supply are available in laboratories. The special attentions have been given on safety of students through installation of safety measure devices and fuming cupboard for handing of hazardous chemicals during experiments.